We are very pleased to announce we have placed in the Top 20 UK Employer of the Year Accredited 50 to 249 organisations in The Investors in People Awards 2023 across the country across every sector. Investors in People conducted anonymous surveys & interviews across R.E.A.C.H. and the below is a summary of what Investors In People found during their review.
“This is an impressive achievement especially given the financial challenges faced by the sector and those created by Covid-19. Senior leaders understand the importance of putting people first and this extends to both the R.EA.C.H. workforce and the many people that the organisation helps. Covid has had a significant effect on R.E.A.C.H. and the organisation had to react quickly to change and keep staff and service users (residents and participants) safe. People are proud of the approach to care and very positive about how the organisation has handled the Covid-19 pandemic. People throughout R. E.A. C. H. have pulled together to get the job done during Covid. Leaders set the tone creating a family feel with care for all at its center. Leaders have demonstrated values-based leadership and shown that they believe in compassionate leadership. Staff are proud of how hard they work and advocate for marginalised and vulnerable people and this pride in maintaining and advocating for service users’ human rights came out strongly during this assessment as a fundamental element of the purpose that motivates them. The interview element of this assessment took place in January 2023 with 13 people interviewed via Teams and telephone. The survey was also used at this assessment. Some of the positive scores were:
- R.E.A.C.H. has clear values 99%
2. R.E.A.C.H. has a positive impact on society 98%
3. My manager motivates me 95%
4. I feel appreciated 88%
5. Great place to work 79%
6. I trust the leaders 90%
7. Leaders communicate the ambition 86%
There is much here to celebrate and the scores reflect the overall positive responses at interview. There a high level of consistency between services thanks to the clear values and visible leadership with regular visits from the founders and operational management team. Most demonstrated exemplary environments for both staff and service user with many of the hallmarks of an enabling environment clearly visible. This is all the more impressive given the challenges the sector has faced over the last four years with Covid and government funding issues. No-one doubts the scale of the challenge, with Sir Andrew Dilnot saying on BBC News last month, that ‘as a country we should feel ashamed of the pressures Social Care staff are being expected to work under’. The context of the need for reform of the sector, financial challenges at local and central Government levels all make it very difficult. Yet, your services are overcoming these conditions through great people management and delivering excellent service through trained, motivated and committed staff teams. The deep-seated care provided to service users is extended to the whole staff team. There is clarity over the mission, values and objectives. For staff, this is supported by a performance management system so that goals and actions flow through the organisation.”
Safe to say that to be placed in the Top 20 organisations in the country in the entire country for Companies between 50-249 Employees is something we are extremely proud of, to ensure that not only our residences are developing but also our staff team and everyone involved in R.E.A.C.H. are working together, for each other to ensure we all succeed.
*Investors in People is a standard for people management, offering accreditation to organisations that adhere to the Investors in People Standard