Visitor Policy and Update
Over the past 12 months R.E.A.C.H has strived to continue to provide high quality, safe care to our residents in line with changing advice from the UK Government and Public Health England in light of the current COVID19 Pandemic.
The UK Government has now released further new guidance around the “Visitor Scheme” with the aim of working together with families and friends to gradually and safely reduce the restrictions step by step.
Visits from family and friends are now welcome at all our services and are supported by the latest Government guidance. Robust environmental and individual risk assessments have been completed and are under constant review to reflect these changes in guidance to manage risks and ensure that these important visits are able to take place safely.
Welcoming anyone into care homes from the community inevitably brings risk of COVID-19 transmission. However, these risks can be managed and mitigated, and they can be balanced against the importance of visiting and the benefits it brings to care home residents and their families.
In the face of new variants of the virus, we still need to be cautious to ensure we protect those most at risk in care homes while ensuring indoor visits can go ahead. While the vaccination programme is bringing much needed hope and protection, until more is known about its impact on transmission, residents and visitors should continue to adhere to all the infection control measures that are in place now.
It is not a condition of visiting that the visitor or the resident should be vaccinated. However, we would strongly recommend that all visitors take up the opportunity to be vaccinated when they are invited to do so through the national programme. We are delighted to say that the vast majority of both our residents and staff have agreed to have their vaccine.
Each care home is unique in its physical environment and facilities, and the needs and wishes of their residents. As such, care home managers are best placed to develop policies and risk assessments (in consultation with residents and their relatives) to ensure that visits are provided in the best way for individual residents, their loved ones, and care home staff.
The most recent guidance from the government which comes into effect today (12/04/2021) details the following changes
- Every care home resident can nominate up to 2 named visitors who will be able to enter the care home for regular visits. (where this option has been risk assessed to be environmentally & safely possible)
- Visitors should be tested using rapid lateral flow tests before every visit, must wear the appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) and follow all other infection control measures (which the service will guide them on) during visits.
- Visitors and residents are advised to keep physical contact to a minimum. Visitors and residents may wish to hold hands, but should bear in mind that any physical contact increases the risk of transmission. For this reason there should not be close physical contact such as hugging
- Care homes can also offer visits to other friends or family members through outdoor visiting or from behind windows.
- All visits must be pre-planned and arranged with the Manager of the appropriate service.
Alternatively you can check out the latest government guidance at
Please do not hesitate to contact any of our Home Managers or Head Office for further details around planning a visit or any other questions you may have around the Governments guidance, COVID19 or anything else you would like to discuss with us
Our kindest regards and stay safe
Everyone at R.E.A.C.H Ltd